17 April 2008

Why should I get up in the morning?

Sometimes the hardest thing for an individual is to find the motivation required to keep pressing towards their goal. Especially when you've been pressing for a while and still feel like nothing is working or failing to see results. I have always lived by the motto that "If I don't get what you want, then it means I didn't work hard enough!" This is simply because each and every one of us has been given a level of talent and gift that everything you need to succeed has been given within i.e. we all have the resources to transcend limitations which we have placed on ourselves. Why do I feel so strongly about this? Because every single human being has a tenacity about something. When we were kids, we would pout and cry until we got what we want because we really wanted it . . . as we got older, some still pout and whine while others have learned to direct that energy into hard work. My point being even if you're not tenacious enough about your school work or that exercise that you've been trying to plan or that money you've been trying to save, it's not because you don't have that power to be tenacious about it, it's just that you've forgotten how or haven't been able to make that transition from pouting to focusing on making things work.
The one book that I read that changed my line of thinking was "The 7 habits of highly effective people." Habit 1 stated that "One should learn to be Proactive (rather than reactive)" i.e. instead of reacting to your situations, take the stand to move things forward on your own. Somehow, I don't know how I survived the 21 years before I read that book not realizing that this was probably the most fundamental thing about being a mature human being. I learned that I basically had all the ability that I needed to make things happen because I have been blessed by God (and we have all been blessed). I remember one time when I was at church and the pastor said "Why should you pray for God to do something that you can do on your own?" At the time I wondered why he said that because that almost seemed like saying "Do you really need God" Over time though I found this to be true. It's like your father giving you the textbooks you need for school and then you go back to ask him for help in handing the money over to the cashier. The money is already in your hands . . . do you honestly need help to hand it over? I think not. In the same way, we are all blessed with ABILITY, all that's left is that motivating factor and the realization that you can do whatever you set out to do.
This brings me back to my initial question: Why should I get up in the morning? The honest answer is really simple: The world would be missing out on what you have if you didn't! You have something to add to this round globe and it starts by belief in yourself that you have something to add. Once you have that vision in front of you, all it takes is putting your energy into the training required to present that talent in the manner in which it will be beneficial: you into music? Practice. You into business? Read and get mentored. You into science? Solve problems. Without the training required, your talent/gift will die and another part of the world becomes dark because your light bulb went out.

Think about it