08 December 2006

Affirmative Action banned in Michigan

It was another day of facebook browsing and I'm not sure how I stumbled on this group, but it was a group associated with Proposal 2. Apparently this proposal has passed in Michigan and it is sparking some controversy. Anyhow, I came across a thread with the title "Stop whining and get the hell over it" and I was reading through it. You can find it here. However if you don't have facebook, here are the person's statements

what is affirmative action for anyways? the slavery? jim crow laws? some sort of revenge for a racial or gender injustice. well get the hell over it already. racial, sexual, and gender discrimination is a part of human history, all over the world. the english enslaved the irish for over 500 years. and the scots for 100 years, does that mean i get reparations or better treatment from them if i lived there? hell no. are the south african blacks getting treated favorably in south africa for apartheid? do the germans have a means of social apology to the jews? is japan going to apologize for the rape of nan-king and manchuria? are the egyptians going to apologize for enslaving the jews? are the modern day romans (italians) going to apologize for conquering germany? hell no. and none of these conquerors are going to give a damn dime to who they conquered. and they shouldn't.

conquering and slavery happened to the weaker, less advanced, and less aggressive people. the native americans were conquered by the europeans because they were 5000 years behind in technology. same with the romans to the barbarians. the african slaves were never conquered by europeans. when one tribe conquered another in northern africa, the conquering tribe sold the losing tribe for rum, guns, textiles, and sugar. to any black person reading this in america: you were conquered. but it was by your own people and you were sold by your own people.

and by weak i mean that some races actually fought back. the scottish fought back against the english. ever see braveheart? the love interest wasnt there but those battles did happen. the english only ruled the scots for 100 years because the scots revolted and told the english to get the fuck out. just like the indians and mahatma ghandi did. so dont blame the race that enslaved you, blame your ancestors for being weak. and be strong and go out and conquer the economy, and make a shitload of money because you want to, and do it with a level field.

and native americans. i am really fucking sick of giving you money, free college tuition and tax breaks. get over it already. if my ancestors wouldve never come to america and brought you up to speed with technology, you would still be sitting in a skin hut on dirt, with only a fire to keep you warm in the winter. no metal tools, no tv, no playstation, no booze, no electricity, no computers of any kind. i dont care how many of your race my ancestors killed. without them you would be nothing. you would still be 5000 years behind. if anything, you owe us. same goes the people of african tribal ancestry.

lastly, not all white people are the same ancestry. ive looked into it, and all of my ancestors came to this country and lived in the north after the civil war. they had nothing to do with slavery, or manifest destiny. they just came here and lived, in search of the american dream.

and lastly, im not calling any black person "african american" unless they are actually from africa, as in born in africa. are you going to call me "western european american"? no, and you shouldn't because its ridiculous. and i actually know kids from africa; sudanese lost boys. they don't want to be called african. they hate africa. they were chased around 3 countries in the savannah. if you're black and were born here, you are american, not african, and you just happen to be black just like i am white. get over it.

It's comments like this that make one wonder if we're in 2006 or if we're still back in stoneage. I understand that Affirmative Action (AA) is unfair to a number of people, but it's a positive step in making up for the social ills of the past. Allow me if I may to use the analogy of the BCS, every year the process of selecting the college champion is refined. It's not a perfect process to begin with, but that is why people of intellectual ability into power so they can think through policies in place. If AA is not doing what it is meant to do, then it should be replaced with a better process rather than scraping it. This person also made a point referring to black South Africans and the Irish and so on. First off, the Irish are not forced to live in the same country as the British so that cancels that arguement out and as for the South Africans, you have to remember that there may not be reparations, but the people who have ruled this country in the past couple of years are black and therefore have put policies in places that will advance their people's causes. It's like at my current university where we have had a black president for the first time. There are issues that he knows about which an average caucasian has no idea about and hence will overlook if he were a policy maker. In my opinion AA is good and there is need for improvement but scraping it is not the way to go . . . and yet one wonders if there is such a thing as a global community when people still feel they are better than another by virtue of what they look like or where they live and so on.