05 December 2006

Leadership and Vision

I was reading some website when I stumbled upon this quote by Colin Powell: As soon as people stop coming to you with their problems, you quit being their leader, and I got to thinking about leadership. I have just completed a seminar on leadership and the one thing I learnt is that leaders are visionaries. This is the most exciting part of leadership as far as I am concerned: being hit with an idea and watching that idea grow. The problem is I never give myself time to sit down and meditate and the next big thing I want to do. I continually feel like I am running around and managing my life rather than enforcing the leadership side of me.
I also started thinking about this when a friend invited me to join a group. Now I know there are a lot of people who have thought about this (mostly Africans), yet it took her to step up and begin this effort for me and those other folks to get galvanized into action. I applaud her vision and somehow in the back of my mind, I wonder if my busy work is hindering or helping me to also achieve my optimum potential. Now all that's left for me to do is work as hand in hand with the other impressive people I will be coming in contact as this effort begins to bear fruit.