31 March 2008

Weak . . .

So the past couple of days have been non-stop work. I've spent every night since thursday at the laboratory. I feel like I am about to pass out, but I keep going on. I feel like a weight-lifter who knows that they have to push past that last rep and pummel each muscle with pain. It's the same way in which I try to approach the work that I do. I know the sooner I get down with this degree, the sooner the rest of my life can start and as I look around at my surroundings, it's about time I left this environment. I can't grow any more than I've already grown at O.U. Everything there was to learn about the States I learnt here: from women, school, politics, spiritual life, socializing, debt. My first job was here, every first sexual experience happened here, scholarships here. I also remember that the rational side of me took over when I stepped out of Athens and lived in Columbus for a year. It took some time, but I am at the point where I can be in Athens and not be swept away by the now of everything. Not too long ago, I lived for the thrill of the weekend, alcohol coursing through my veins as I danced up and down at parties and at the club. I'm not exactly miles away from that life, but I realize that there's is a balance and I find that balance in the results that I am seeking: Work hard to succeed intellectually, Play hard to succeed mentally, Save hard to succeed financially. When these results start to appear, then I know that I was balanced all along. Till then I'll just keep working at each aspect.