04 August 2009

New Blog

To those who might be looking for this blog, I have officially moved to http://3dees.wordpress.com/. Hopefully I'll see you there.

17 April 2008

Why should I get up in the morning?

Sometimes the hardest thing for an individual is to find the motivation required to keep pressing towards their goal. Especially when you've been pressing for a while and still feel like nothing is working or failing to see results. I have always lived by the motto that "If I don't get what you want, then it means I didn't work hard enough!" This is simply because each and every one of us has been given a level of talent and gift that everything you need to succeed has been given within i.e. we all have the resources to transcend limitations which we have placed on ourselves. Why do I feel so strongly about this? Because every single human being has a tenacity about something. When we were kids, we would pout and cry until we got what we want because we really wanted it . . . as we got older, some still pout and whine while others have learned to direct that energy into hard work. My point being even if you're not tenacious enough about your school work or that exercise that you've been trying to plan or that money you've been trying to save, it's not because you don't have that power to be tenacious about it, it's just that you've forgotten how or haven't been able to make that transition from pouting to focusing on making things work.
The one book that I read that changed my line of thinking was "The 7 habits of highly effective people." Habit 1 stated that "One should learn to be Proactive (rather than reactive)" i.e. instead of reacting to your situations, take the stand to move things forward on your own. Somehow, I don't know how I survived the 21 years before I read that book not realizing that this was probably the most fundamental thing about being a mature human being. I learned that I basically had all the ability that I needed to make things happen because I have been blessed by God (and we have all been blessed). I remember one time when I was at church and the pastor said "Why should you pray for God to do something that you can do on your own?" At the time I wondered why he said that because that almost seemed like saying "Do you really need God" Over time though I found this to be true. It's like your father giving you the textbooks you need for school and then you go back to ask him for help in handing the money over to the cashier. The money is already in your hands . . . do you honestly need help to hand it over? I think not. In the same way, we are all blessed with ABILITY, all that's left is that motivating factor and the realization that you can do whatever you set out to do.
This brings me back to my initial question: Why should I get up in the morning? The honest answer is really simple: The world would be missing out on what you have if you didn't! You have something to add to this round globe and it starts by belief in yourself that you have something to add. Once you have that vision in front of you, all it takes is putting your energy into the training required to present that talent in the manner in which it will be beneficial: you into music? Practice. You into business? Read and get mentored. You into science? Solve problems. Without the training required, your talent/gift will die and another part of the world becomes dark because your light bulb went out.

Think about it

31 March 2008

Weak . . .

So the past couple of days have been non-stop work. I've spent every night since thursday at the laboratory. I feel like I am about to pass out, but I keep going on. I feel like a weight-lifter who knows that they have to push past that last rep and pummel each muscle with pain. It's the same way in which I try to approach the work that I do. I know the sooner I get down with this degree, the sooner the rest of my life can start and as I look around at my surroundings, it's about time I left this environment. I can't grow any more than I've already grown at O.U. Everything there was to learn about the States I learnt here: from women, school, politics, spiritual life, socializing, debt. My first job was here, every first sexual experience happened here, scholarships here. I also remember that the rational side of me took over when I stepped out of Athens and lived in Columbus for a year. It took some time, but I am at the point where I can be in Athens and not be swept away by the now of everything. Not too long ago, I lived for the thrill of the weekend, alcohol coursing through my veins as I danced up and down at parties and at the club. I'm not exactly miles away from that life, but I realize that there's is a balance and I find that balance in the results that I am seeking: Work hard to succeed intellectually, Play hard to succeed mentally, Save hard to succeed financially. When these results start to appear, then I know that I was balanced all along. Till then I'll just keep working at each aspect.

29 March 2008


WOW!!! 0.25 of 2008 is already over. That's unbelievable because I feel like I was just in New York ringing in '08 with B and 3 months have passed since then. An even bigger WOW in the sense that I have been in a relationship for 10 months and counting. I guess it's safe to say that I am beginning to complete another phase of adult life: the act of settling down. Currently it's a state of mind as I am still nomadic since I won't be living in Athens forever. Speaking of, the biggest WOW is that I am officially a PhD student. Yes sir, more nights in the basement of Stocker Center for another 2 years or so. I can't complain though, I'm enjoying what I am doing: the theory of solid state physics and the empirical nature of fuel cell testing. The best part, when one section gets too slow, I turn to the other one to At the present time, I'm looking forward to writing a paper on frequency calculations which will be my first foray into an actual academic publication. It's exciting stuff, but it's taking forever to get the results mainly because these computers are really slow. Ah well, the experiments have been suffering from neglect so I am focusing on those now.
In less mind-numbing news, now that football season is over, my interest has switched from ESPN to CNN and the on-going drama in the current presidential nomination. It's strange though, when I first arrived in the U.S. in 2000, the election was well on the way with Al Gore going against George Jnr. Even stranger is the fact that I was on Bush's side. Why? I honestly don't remember why. I didn't even know either person's platform neither did I know an iota about American Politics. I think it was because everyone at the house was supporting Gore and the "Sore Loserman" slogan (a word play on Gore Lieberman) was catching. Ah well, 8 years have passed and I'm much smarter now than I was then and although I can't play a part in the voting process, I know that there is only 1 of these candidates who can truly make a difference and change how American is viewed by the rest of the world. Anyone reading this knows who that is and if you don't, you need to reach deeper than my words and you'll know.
I look over my last post and strangely enough, that was put up around the same time as I am writing this. It just goes to prove to me that the moments that I spend awake (when everyone is sleeping) gives me the moments I need to be introspective and think about personal progression. It only makes sense though, spending the day moving others forward and spend the nights moving myself forward and being on the path to being the optimum Dammy.
Well it's back to work and hopefully an hiatus that lasts less than 1 week.

08 November 2007


It's been almost a year since I last blogged. I haven't exactly been writing in my physical journal either for some reason. I'm up later than late these days anyway, so I should be able to pick up from where I left off from.
These days I'm mostly focused on taking the PhD qualifying exam and obtaining results from my Gaussian file that has been running now for about a week with no concluded results in site. I feel like I have no idea what I'm going to get from the results here. Let's just say that what I am doing is writing a program and then sending it to a Computing Center to perform the calculations and then send me back the results once it's complete. When a program takes a week to be calculated, you know it's something that's huge. Well if this program succeeds in doing what it is expected to do, it will be a huge deal.
On the other hand I have been on youtube a lot lately and man I can't believe the number of ridiculously funny stuff I have picked up on there. I'm just going to put up 2 of them for now.
The first was one I discovered on my friend's facebook profile with 2 Nigerian guys doing a remix to the Souljah Boy song that seems to be sweeping the nation. If you speak broken, you'll laugh your head off. If not, it's still funny anyway to see two guys in traditional garb doing the Naija Boy.

The second is one that my girlfriend sent to me just last night. Warning/Disclaimer: If you love cats, then you probably don't want to watch this. I think you'll still find it funny either way. After all the cat is still alive after this experiment.

Well I need to catch some shut-eye which I have been lacking a lot of this week.

09 February 2007

Fi(red) Up

Today's edition of "The Post" included an article that a student @ Baylor University had written about the Product Red campaign. The full article can be viewed here.
I am a strong believer in the greater good. Granted not everyone who donates is doing it because they care, most are doing it because it's a fad or to blow their trumpet using their chest, face or feet. However when it comes to charity, I believe the end justifies the means. When the people who need the money are getting their basic provisions or when research in AIDS is being advanced, the question will not be why did it take a fad to get them to donate; the thought will be how can we make people go deeper into their pockets. Short of killing someone and embezzling their money, I doubt that the source of the money is not important.
Yes those of us in under-developed countries need more than money thrown at us, but I will be the first to tell you that those children will tell you that the money is a start. Sometimes I hear people who talk about charity from a distance condemn and chastise these famous people for selling a fad and I wonder what these same critics are doing. What efforts have you personally made to advance one kid or to educate the illiterate or help the needy? Yet you want to stay on your soap-box and criticise Bono, Oprah, Angelina or Clooney for using their fame to raise money for a cause that is needed.
And when you think about it, these yuppies and their (red)-tagged attires will influence others who see this as a real cause. After all, Malcolm X did not wake up thinking revolution, Elijah Muhammed brought about his awareness and we all know what kind of person Elijah was.

08 February 2007

Twilight Zone

I turned 24 three days, thirteen hours and forty-six minutes ago. I was too tired to evaluate or think about anything else but getting through the day. I didn't even feel like celebrating the event, just another passing day telling me it's time to get out of Athens and into the workforce somewhere else.
I have recently reached the point where I wonder if I still have a lot of years ahead of me or the best is gone and all that's left to look forward to is back aches and the like. If you listen to my cousins tell it, they would say I am a dinosaur. On the other hand, I know I've only experienced a third of all I have to experience in this life. Although six years in America and 17 in Nigeria makes me feel like I have experienced more than my share at this point in my life.
I distinctly remember having a conversation with my friend right before I turned 23 about how the age of 30 is the golden age of most men. It is the moment when you know you are going to be a success or a failure. This conversation helped me come up with what I called 7-year plan. It encompassed graduation, working, owning real estate, investments and of course marriage, all in that order. These days all I think about are the first two items on that list i.e. getting done with my Masters and finding an enviable position in the workforce a la Chevron, bP, Exxon and so on. I don't kid myself into thinking everything else will fall into place, but I've amassed enough experience to know that my path can only be lit by focus, dedication and passion.
24 years have passed and with it all the innocence that I once claimed to possess.